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Whether you are just getting started, or are a bit further on in your ancient language journey, these resources should provide a bit of help.


As the site develops, we will add to these sections, so if you find something that is really useful to you elsewhere, please send us a link so we can also add it here.


We've tried to group them broadly according to level, but there is a lot of overlap. Some reference boooks especially are aimed at supporting beginners and more-confident learners simultaneously.


Finally, some of our favourites are highlighted in bold. We didn't receive Latin or Greek at school, and have had to pick them up in our spare time, and finding clear, easy-to-follow texts has allowed us to progress with a bit more confidence.





Reflecting our own amateur expertise, this section is a wee bit thinner - please suggest titles and resources which might go here!


Latin Books


Ovid Unseens

The Latin Language

Excelability in Advanced Latin


Latin Resources


Latin is Simple


Greek Books



The Iliad


Greek AND Latin

Google Books has a huge selection available online but it's a bit of a bazaar. WOrth browsing, for sure, though.

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